Climate change is the global variation in the earth’s climate.
Human activity contribues to the- called greenhouse effect,  which is caused by the retention of gases such is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Well many counties are demonstrating that -to -  climate change, the acttitudes and actions of individual citizens can also have a significant impact on the enviroment.

One of the most - promoted ways to reduce gas emissions is  recycling .Bouth by bisneses and by individuals.
This helps to develope the circulary economy ,which is based on three pillars: reduce reuse and recycle

In the  Eu - almost 2.6 billion  tonnes of waste were produced in 2014.
Of this ,44% wasrecicled and 31 % was amased in the landfills.
The European parlamets enviroment comision- to a - a recycling - of 70% , and reduce the waste- land- to 5% by the year 2030.

In spain - - - important of recycling is increasing year up on year.
In 2060 the average spanis citizen recycles 13.2kg of plastic containers , cans and packagin and 15.5 kg of paper and cardboard, resulting on 1milion few times of co2 emited in to the admosphere.
recyclinleads in  to a reducion on emission , water and energy.
Whit 22 plastic bottles you can make a t-shirt, you can make a bicycle using 80 recycled - cans and 8 cereal boxes can be used to  make one book
